
PAe - New @firma Client for Windows and Windows versions 8 RT and 8.1
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New Customer @firma for Windows and Windows versions 8 RT and 8.1

03 april 2014

This version allows the conduct of electronic signatures Kadesh simple in those environments where the system does not have installed Java or even when they support at all.

For Web applications compatible with the currently MiniApplet @firma Client can enjoy this enlargement of compatibility will simply have to update the JavaScript files on your Web servers, with new versions published in the cst.

The Client for Windows Store @firma further enables Kadesh signature local files.

Before offering or advertising services @firma Client for Windows Store, please carefully read the documentation, and be sure to make available to its users the manuals configuration and use.

More information on the PTT @Firma client (Opens in new window)

  • Identity and electronic signature
  • Centre for technology transfer