
PAe - Padrón online, a new model of data for the storage and information management padronal
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Padrón online, a new model of data for the storage and information management padronal

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16 september 2024

In the new system, the ups and downs would take place simultaneously in the municipalities of origin and destination of the movements.

The online is a project that provides for a further data model for the storage and information management and new systems of information exchange padronal between municipalities and INE, with the incorporation of the cadastral information. The technical consultation project (Abre in new window)

In the new system, the ups and downs would take place simultaneously in the municipalities of origin and destination of the movements.

The proposal that arises consists of two elements:

  • A new management information system on the territory of each municipality This completely, separating information. This is that each municipality to maintain its database of dwellings perfectly identified, including the existence of a Single housing identified at the national level that would be derived from the cadastral reference tools and update of addresses and other fields which described the location of housing. This database of territory will be a new code of identification of the Housing (VIC), based, whenever possible, in the cadastral, reference to the database on population, so that changes in the territory (such as changes in the limbs, numbering of roads, etc.) would not affect The people. Identification code of housing (CIV) it is a code that defines only to each housing unit and is based, whenever possible, in the cadastral reference (RC).
  • A new system of exchange between the standards of each municipality, from a method based on monthly files – as has today – a method based on immediate communications through web services, including municipal registers and the national statistical institute.

In addition, it envisages the establishment by the national statistical institute management tools that could be used voluntarily by the municipalities concerned. These tools commonly used would be developed by INE and made available to the municipalities. Would both internal management of such as the relationship of the town hall with citizens (could be the query or certificate of registration and procedures for high or modification of personal data in padrón).


  • Will provide a public service of similar quality citizens regardless of the technical capacity of the municipality or location. This will affect different proceedings, as the request of a registration or possible option online registration using electronic signature.
  • Tools. Improvements on the applications of management should not, as happens now, be implemented by each of the municipalities individually, but who would come into the integrated system, with the enormous savings of efforts and resources that would give local governments have to invest in developments that are common to all municipalities.
  • You can get the evolution of the population in real time. You can also improve interconnection with other systems of public administration to provide better domiciles consultation

Timetable: end 2023 - Beginning 2024

Below are the main milestones of the project online Padrón. However, it must be borne in mind that depending on how to evolve work will be necessary to adjust the different dates:

  • July 2023. Signature convention INE - Ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory
  • September - February 2023 2024. By the national pilot test
  • October 2023 - february policy Modificaciones 2024.
  • November 2023 - first quarter 2026. Call for subsidies by the ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory
  • First quarter 2024- first quarter 2025. Development of an update of the territory
  • First quarter 2025 - first quarter 2026. Development of an update of population
  • First quarter 2026 - third quarter 2026. Design of the transitional period
  • The second quarter 2026 - Four quarter 2026. Development of new online management application
  • Fourth quarter 2026 infrastructure.

Original source of news (Abre in new window)

  • Citizen
  • Information and data on the public sector