The changes implemented in DCAT-AP version 2.1.0 are related to the following issues: - Improved UML diagram in accordance with the agreed profile reading - Improved coherency between the UML diagram and the specification text - A usage guide on the relationships between Dataset, Distribution and Data Service; and the consequences of this clarification on the model - Various editorial fixes - Consolidation of the SHACL shapes - Minor specification updates: - Introduction of the NAL planned-availability, NAL access-right and NAL dataset-type - Lift of the max-cardinality for dataset dct:type - Lift of the max-cardinality for property dct:creator - Allow other than SHA1 checksum algorithms - The range for temporal properties is enlarged to contain any temporal XSD datatype - Alignment of usage notes for reused property adms:status with W3C DCAT - Addition of max-cardinality 1 for dcat:temporalResolution and dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters to align with the usage note