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Government agencies linked to the General state administration (AGE)

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Selected publications of special interest, edited or promoted since these agencies.


    The state agency for evaluation of public policies and quality of services (AEVAL) is dissolved and its functions will be assumed by the state secretariat for Public Service (Royal Decree 769/2017, of 28 july, published in BOE 29/07/2017)


    The national reference centre of implementation of the information and communication technologies based on open sources (MOBILE WORLD), is extinguished, and its activity will be integrated into the state organization Registrar (Order PAHS/1816/2013, of 2 october, published in BOE: 09/10/2013)

  • Spanish federation of municipalities and provinces (FEMP)

  • National Institute of cybersecurity of Spain (INCIBE)

  • The National observatory of technology and society (ONTSI)

    previous National Observatory of telecommunications and the information society (ONTSI)