This solution n, which is for analysts of security of all agencies p public and companies of interest. s overall queries, acquires, processed and analysed information for the elaboraci n intelligence from tr fico of an internal network

This solution, which is intended for analysts of security of all public sector bodies and companies of strategic interest, acquires, processed and analysed information to the development of intelligence from trafficking in an internal network "/> PAe - Carmen, the solution to the CCN-CERT to detect advanced attacks/APT
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Carmen, the solution to the CCN-CERT to detect advanced attacks/APT

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25 july 2018

The government CERT has updated the information of Carmen on its website.
This solution, which is intended for analysts of security of all public sector bodies and companies of strategic interest, acquires, processed and analysed information to the development of intelligence from trafficking in an internal network

Carmen is a solution to the identification of Advanced Continuing Threats (APT) through the acquisition, processing and analysis of the information gathered. Developed by the CCN-CERT, together with the rest of solutions detection (SAT-INET and SAT-SARA) and analysis ( Gloria (Opens in new window) , Maria (Opens in new window) and Marta (Opens in new window) ), Carmen is responsible for detecting anomalies and lateral movements within and outside the network. Moreover, this solution CERT analyses code governmental harmful through sandboxing advanced.

Among its main advantages is that of protecting sensitive information, intellectual property and assets critics of all agencies and public sector enterprises and strategic interest that they use. In its development, the CCN-CERT also thought of preventing damage to the corporate reputation and reduce the economic impact caused by the theft of information. It allows analysts to obtain a complete visibility and aware of the movement of non-legitimate organizations.

A decision support

Carmen focuses on the processing and analysis of trafficking, as well as in the current standard maintenance of persistence or theft of information in the corporate network (lateral movement). Therefore, it acquires the information of and trafficking of outgoing network of the organization monitored, normalizes and stores. In this way can be purchased such information passively or through the reception of records.

Since then, Carmen becomes a solution to support decision making, which allows security analyst find the needle in the haystack and prioritize the elements to look across the entire volume of data acquired. To provide a fuller use, Carmen integrates with other solutions of analysis and exchange as Lucía and Reyes.

Those interested in receiving further information, please contact the CCN-CERT through email de contacto:

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  • Security
  • Electronic services